DIY Health and Safety: How to Not Get Hurt at Home

This entry was posted on May 1, 2014 by speedy-bed

Did you know that 230,000 people are hurt while doing DIY every year? That's a lot of cuts, bruises, scrapes and broken bones.

It's essential to stay safe when you're DIYing at home. Here are 6 dos and 6 don'ts to ensure you're doing DIY the right way:

DO: Think about what you're doing. It's tempting to just jump into your home improvement project, but it's best to do a little mini risk assessment first and eliminate any potential risks.

Hard Hat with Tools
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DON'T: Wear the wrong gear
. Climbing ladders, painting, and lifting in the wrong kit can end in disaster. You need to wear sensible clothing that doesn't restrict you or cause you to lose your footing. Put those high heels away.

DO:  Ventilate good times, come on!
Painting or using adhesives and solvents? You'll need to ensure that your home is s

afely ventilated, with windows open and fans fully working, or you might end up fuzzy headed and make mistakes.

DON'T: Drink and DIY. Summoning a little dutch courage for your paint job sounds fun, but it's a sure-fire way to lapsed standards and injuries on the job. Try not to do any DIY with a hangover either, when your reaction times and motor skills are greatly diminished.

DO: Use the correct tools. Don't cut corners using the wrong tools. You think you can get the job done with a slightly smaller drill than a guide says, but that's a recipe for disaster.

DON'T:  Lift with your back. You didn't think we'd neglect this little nugget did you?! It's the cardinal sin of all health and safety – if you're lifting then bend your knees and you won't do your back in!
DO: Set your ladder right. More than a thousand people every month are hospitalised after falling from a ladder. So ensure you're using it safely – keep all the feet grounded and don't climb it if it’s unsafe.

DON'T: Rush. Rushing leads to shortcuts and shortcuts lead to accidents. Relax, take your time and get the job done right.

DO: Cut away from your body. Knife injuries account for 20,000 of all DIY injuries. The solution is simple: cut away from your body, not towards.

DON'T: Forget about asbestos. If you're DIYing in a 40 or 50-year old house, asbestos could be a real issue. So keep an eye out for the signs of asbestos – and call in the experts if you see anything out of the ordinary.

DO:  Phone a friend. You know what they say: a problem shared is a problem halved. If you're struggling with a project, don't be scared to ask for help. You'll get it done in double time and probably be a lot safer too.

DON'T: Forget your goggles. Eye injuries are a serious business. So ensure you wear your goggles and protect your sight.

Have we missed any obvious DIY health and safety tips? How safe are you when you're on the job?